Saturday, September 11, 2010

salt n noodles

You know those nights when all you want to do is sit?

It doesn't even matter where. All you know is that however the night ends up, it better consist of you resting on your laurels in some way, shape or form. And that night, my friends, was tonight.

Good thing I wasn't the only one who felt that way, or I'd have ended up sitting in some deserted courtyard all by my lonesome (or more likely in my dorm room - - a deserted park sounds more dramatic though, doesn't it?) The feeling of not wanting to move being mutual, however, my roommate, neighbor and I decided to go see a movie. The nearest theater is in Friendship Heights, (one metro stop or a 10 min bus ride away). We decided on the metro, not trusting our arrival time to the unreliable DC bus schedule.

Unfortunately, "The Switch", which we'd decided upon seeing ended up only admitting people 21 and over, which is getting to become a common, and incredibly unfortunate, theme to this city. So the three of us settled upon "Salt", the Angelina Jolie movie (even though she annoys me to death most of the time).

Though the film was essentially one long chase with a few WOWOW plot twists thrown it, it actually ended up being a lot better than I'd expected, and actually sparked some post-film-bathroom-conversation (a tell-tale sign of success).

Best part of the night, though, was getting soup at CVS!! Progresso noodles, baby. What more could you want from a Saturday night in our nation's capital?! I'll take advantage of the location in good time, don't you worry,

but tonight, I slurp. :)


  1. Hey, Gabrielle! Your mom forwarded me your blog. Sounds like you're having a great experience. What a neat place to intern. Good luck!

    Kari Cox

  2. Hi Kari,

    Thanks for reading! I hope one day I can come back and work for Kohler, I miss the experience - it really gave me a great opportunity to learn all about corporate communications and good, concise writing techniques, a skill that is highly valued here.

    Thanks again,

