Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I'm in Bender Library learning about the search system and all the available resources for students! It's incredible - our tuition covers access to so much! The best is newspaper archives-for which you are typically charged.That means you can get past issues of The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other big timers, all for free. 

I love librarians too - they're always so excited to help. Angels, really. Our current one, Melissa Becher, is so helpful, and really patient as well.

Melissa Becher, our helpful friend

We can rent Kindles/Nooks too! I'd like to see if I could tolerate reading that way. I'm a bit old school - I'm a big fan of the old library book smell.

I'm actually excited to come to this library, everyone's nice and it's clean and just has a really good atmosphere. The ones at my home school are nice, but get a little dungeon-y at some points. Everything is really simple here too - not a lot of hoops to jump through to get what you need - my kind of place.

Our intro ended in a complimentary entry into the library's raffle. $100 on my SmartCard sounds very nice. Then again, so does a membership in the cookie of the month club (also a prize). Tough call. Cookies, or more incentive to roam the depths of the metro.

Now I'm hungry.

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