Monday, September 20, 2010

Having Fun Isn't Hard - When You've Got A Library Card!

Any attentive viewer of that oh-so-quirky-but-wildly-educational aardvark family, the Reads, knows that the library is your reliable source to endless possibilities!

They're also probably aware that Arthur's voice got progressively more feminine as the series went on. And that D.W. lost some of her spark in the later seasons. And that 'aardvark' can be spelled in a surprisingly catchy tune ("A--A--R--D-V-A-R-K!").
(<--if you're at all curious where the title of this post came from)

If, however, you did not watch PBS's Arthur, and instead settled for some possibly-more-hip-but-certainly-nowhere-near-as-educational-program like on Nickelodeon or Disney Channel...

well, then it seems as if you've just failed at childhood as a whole.

But alas! This post has a point after all, to which I will very rapidly attend, for I'm getting a creeping suspicion that I may have lost already lost you all mid-nostalgic rant.

Saturday, Mine and I (after checking Eastern Market off of our things-we-should-probably-do-other-than-sleep-in-DC list) accomplished yet ANOTHER productive feat (I know, it's mind-blowing how responsible we're capable of being) and went to the Library of Congress to get our research/reading cards.

Kids, this is very simple, and if my mom has anything to say about it, totally worth the trip. Just walk into the Madison building (the library has 3, so make sure you go into the right one), follow the signs to register for a card, fill out a paper form and a computer form, get your beautiful picture taken (ps: they will give you like a .001 millisecond warning, so come prepared with those smiles), and that very official looking card is all yours. [just remember to bring an ID - license, passport, state ID].

Ok, looking back on that, it doesn't appear so simple, considering it occupies the biggest paragraph in this entire post (which could very well have to do with the fact that my attention span of .2 seconds corresponds nicely with the number of times I hit return while writing these posts)

But it's easy peazy - I promise.

So here are some pics documenting our experience and unbridled enthusiasm at the prospect of a library card.

iPhone pic of picture desk

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