Monday, September 6, 2010



I'm a little concerned about what a dominant presence The Jersey Shore has become in our society. I've actually never seen the show before, but even I know about the infamous trifecta - Gym, Tan, Laundry.

Actually, add food to that, and you've got the top 4 concerns of the average college student.


Well, right now, my friends and I are sitting next to the soccer field at Tenley Campus, praying that one of these I-play-soccer-but-only-on-the-weekends-and-slightly-too-competitively boys next to which we sit doesn't wack us in the face with one of his oh-so-sexily orchestrated kicks - in our swimsuits (I'm aware that this sentence has no grammatic structure whatsoever.)

I'm fairly certain that our little pink bikinis are not socially acceptable, but what are we supposed to do when we live in such a conservative city?!

Last night, at 1:00 AM, I came to the pleasant realization that I had completely forgotten to take my laundry out of the wash. This was great, esepcially since the laundry room is on the second floor, which is coed, and I was in a tiny little not-at-all appropriate bathrobe.

Ok. Food:

We'll cover this later, as there's a whole array of thoughts to be added on the subject of college cuisine - a topic for which I'd much prefer to allot an entire blog post.

And finally, GYM:

American's main campus (to which you can take a shuttle - that comes roughly once every 10 mins) has a pretty nice gym. Whether or not it's "state of the art" is debatable, but it's a nice place to sweat, nonetheless. The gym is in the "tunnel", next to an ALWAYS disgustingly good smelling Subway (the sandwich shop, not the underground tunnels) - which has on multiple occasions nearly deterred me from entering the gym, if not only to sit and smell the famous bread that's aroma far far far surpasses it's mediocre taste.

It's two stories, with the first floor set up for stretching and weight training, and the second consisting of treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and an array of other devices created by the modern man to simulate real activity.

You have to sign out a machine on this big white board, (although SOMMMEE people don't adhere to this would-be-really-useful-if-people-followed-it rule). After which you can begin to pump it up.

So, here are some pics to help any prospective American/Washington Semester students visualize their future setting...enjoy (special thanks to Mine for modeling)
Wait for shuttle here (or walk)
Enter tunnel
Enter gym
Give front desk your card to swipe
Get a locker

favorite picture ever

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